Sexual Dysfunction
In the simplest of explanations, Sexual dysfunction happens when a trauma is experienced, creating disassociation from the body as a means of protection. This mostly occurs in childhood where the child who is not equipped emotionally to process the situation, establishes an immature view of what is going on, shuts down to the feelings associated, and the trauma/story of it become unconscious.
The trauma/situation wants to be felt fully in the body at the time of the event in order to release. eg like the rabbit that shakes off the adrenaline upon having escaped near death from being chased by a fox.
If this is denied through disassociation, the trauma which becomes an energetic imprint, remains stuck in the body and over time becomes a blockage hindering the natural flow of energy moving through the body. As a result of this shut-down, the blockage solidifies creating density in the body, and as time passes, the pathology comes into manifest and perpetuates from there.
Sexual dysfunction generally categorised:
Pain- Sexual intercourse is painful
Arousal dysfunction- struggle with becoming aroused or excited during lovemaking
Desire dysfunction- lack of desire or interest in sex
Orgasm dysfunction- delay/absence of orgasm or orgasm happening too quickly (ED/PE)
When working with sexual dysfunction, You and I safely explore the following:
--Messages fed to you as a child around your sexuality- was it healthy/held and supported or shamed/judged?
-- Sexual violation: Where there scenarios such as rape/molestation or abuse?
--Perception of your sexuality: and your role as a man/woman in response to your partner
--Pleasuring: Your relationship with yourself and means of pleasuring. Do you rely solely on porn? Is there a disconnection with pleasuring yourself?
--What eroticises you?: clues to where deeper exploration is needed as a means of healing and releasing patterns of fixation and/or fantasy
--Your Diet: and sexual health.
In order to heal, It all starts with the body. With its deep relaxation and present capacity to open not only to deep levels of pleasure, but similarly to feel all the shame, trauma, guilt, judgements, taboo’s and unspoken eroticism that have caused it's contraction in the first place.
When you shut down to pain, you unfortunately shut down to pleasure and unless you are willing to allow the pain( that original energetic imprint/trauma) to be felt and released, you keep the body in a state of contraction.
The work that I offer has little use for the mind. By mind, I mean ''the internal saboteur'' whom despite its outdated attempts to protect you, is actually keeping you stuck and blocked. It is simply the dysfunctional part of you, which in its limited capacity needs to be tricked so that it's functionality can be bypassed, allowing the body to switch back on and return to its natural state of feeling and openness.
This involves taking the body back to feel its original wounding and disassociation, in a safely held space so that the illusion of this disconnection along with the immature related mind set, can be released for once and for all... Alongside this, any energetic blockages that have become congested in the body in response to the ''situation or trauma'' can also be released.
To read more-- click here for men
Discomfort is a strengthening process,
If we allow it to be so.
Unease is an awakening,
If we can allow.
— Allowing